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The Library takes part in a number of other activities including holding training courses, conferences and symposia related to library sciences and data systems. Library activities include:
The development field
  1. Attending the Fifth International Conference on Electronic Publishing "Innovation, Participation and Sustainability" 2019.

  2. Attending the Jordanian Library and Information Association Conference "The Changing Role of Public Libraries".
  3. Attending the Abdul Hameed Shoman seminar "The Library as an Engine for Change.
  4. Attend the King’s Academy "Smart Library" conference.
  5. Updating the library's computing system in the loan, research and extension departments.
  6. Expanding library services on Facebook.

  7. Updating the library website.

  8. Adding links to electronic journals on the library website.

  9. Adding an instructional video on how to search in electronic indexes and electronic databases.

  10. Continue adding all library indexes on the library website.

  11. Posting the students' master's theses in full text on the library's website and on the ProQuest database.

  12. Holding an exhibition to recycle and loan used books among students every semester.

  13. Evaluating the results of the "Satisfaction of the Library's Sources of Information and Services" questionnaire.

  14. Providing a selective broadcasting service for newly arrived periodicals, books and reports via E-mail.

  15. Renewal of loaned books through the Facebook page of the University of Petra Library.

  16. Issuing comprehensive statistics for the library through reports for faculties and departments that measure the level of demand in the library.​

The training field
  1. Holding training courses for students on how to search in electronic databases and indexes with an average of 44 lectures and 881 attending students.

  2. "Read and Educate Yourself" initiative for training students in the faculties.

  3. A remote course for students on using the Pharmacy Access database.

  4. Training workshop for teaching staff entitled: "Using databases in selecting scientific journals to publish scientific research outputs.​

  5. Hosting students from several local schools and introducing them to the library departments.

  6. Remote training course for faculty and staff in cooperation with the publisher "Springer".

  7. Enrolling Faculty and Staff in various courses with the Academic Development Center of the university.

Event Calendar
<May 2024>