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Student Associations

The university aspires for the Student Council to play a primary role in activating scientific activities, conveying students' opinions and issues, reinforcing democracy, and promoting the culture of elections. Every March, the Student Services Department in the Deanship of Student Affairs conducts elections for student committees and councils. Any student can run for election provided they meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a student in the college they intend to represent.

  2. Have a cumulative GPA of no less than 2.00 points.

  3. Have completed at least two semesters (30 credit hours).

  4. Have no disciplinary actions taken against them.

  5. Have at least one more academic year remaining at the university.

Students are allowed to announce their candidacies within their colleges and on campus, and they can display their election banners.

As a result of the elections, there will be six student associations, corresponding to the number of university colleges, whose main tasks include:

  1. Encouraging scientific activities among college students and conveying students' opinions, issues, and suggestions to the relevant authorities in the college or university.

  2. Developing and promoting students' talents and hobbies.

  3. Acting as the link between students and the university.​