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The Petra Music Band was established and formed on April 2, 2010, and is affiliated with the Department of Artistic, Cultural, and Social Activities within the Deanship of Student Affairs. The band presents musical performances and vocal art, in addition to folkloric dance performances for various occasions. The university has given this activity significant attention by appointing a specialized music supervisor with expertise in the field, as well as providing a dedicated rehearsal hall equipped with a range of modern musical instruments and sound equipment necessary for the band’s performances and folkloric dance, along with an environment that fosters students’ talents in this field.

Petra Music Band's Objectives:

  1. Attract talented students who are capable of playing instruments, singing, or performing folkloric dances, and develop their abilities to the fullest.

  2. Present both Eastern and Western musical pieces.

  3. Offer folkloric dance performances (Dabke) alongside the band’s musical shows.

  4. Organize music courses for various instruments such as the piano, oud, guitar, violin, and others, in addition to courses in Dabke dance and solo/group singing techniques.

  5. Compose soundtracks for theatrical works.

  6. Participate in artistic events, activities, and competitions during celebrations (both within and outside the university).

  7. Establish a theater troupe that presents various performances.