1- Increase the Open Space Areas in the University:
of the total area of the university is natural area. The university has
planted nearly 10,000 trees to capture carbon dioxide emission. General
services department at UOP has issued a directive to give the priority
to water efficient plants when considering any improvement to the
campus. Also, the university has created green areas around all
2- Rehabilitation of infrastructure and architecture:
was set and implemented to rehabilitate old buildings to save on
heating in winter and cooling in summer through proper insulation and
restructuring building electromechanical. All
new buildings have followed a strict criterion of good insulation and
ventilation. Shaded pergolas were provided throughout with kiosks to
provide snacks and refreshments.
3- WiFi and Internet:
campus is covered with 180 Mbps free wireless internet and fiber optics
cables covering all buildings, where students and staff are able to
access to information. Also, students buses are provided with free WiFi.
4- Smoking-restricted campus:
campus is smoking-restricted campus. Smoking is not allowed in public
access, teaching or working areas in any of the university's buildings.
The university provided isolated special rooms, for smokers with forced
5- Camera-controlled campus against abuse:
Cameras are controlling the campus entry exits and public places to
control abuses and are linked to central control room at the computer
and informatics center.
6- Central-controlled system:
cameras, smart cards, and car magnetic stickers are linked to centrally
controlled center at the computer and information center for monitoring
entry and exits of cars to the ring-road and parking spaces.
7- Smart card for entry and using free services and facilities:
smart magnetic master card is provided free to students upon
registration to access classrooms and library as well as entry and exit
of all students and staff of the campus.