The President of the University of Petra (UOP), Prof. Marwan Muwalla, has patronized the graduation ceremony of the QBU students from the cultural exchange program in the presence of FAS Dean Prof. Rami Abdel Raheem, and Languages Center Director Dr. Ula AlDabbagh.
Prof. Muwalla said that UOP seeks to operationalize the clauses of academic cooperation agreements with the international universities, in a manner benefiting UOP students and students of cooperating universities through student exchange and academic exchange programs, referring that: "Student exchange benefits the students scientifically and enriches their cultural knowledge through recognizing the culture of the country, at which they are sent to study, and as the students are ambassadors to their countries and cultures when they are sent abroad to study".
Language Center Director Dr. Ula AlDabbagh said that the program aims at familiarizing the foreign students with the history of Jordan, and Arab and Islamic culture, by organizing field trips to the archaeological, holy and historical sites that contributed to shaping the Jordanian culture and Arab and Islamic identity of the region. Dr. AlDabbagh added that the program entails nominating UOP peers to help QBU students in mixing with the members of the Jordanian Society and obtaining first-hand knowledge on the Jordanian and Arab Culture.
Dr. John Koran, QBU Liaison Officer, thanked the UOP President and the Languages Center Director for their efforts to ensure the program's success. He said that: "The program achieved many of its objectives in presenting a clear image on the Islamic and Arab culture through highlighting the Jordanian culture as a model culture for many Arab and Islamic Middle Eastern countries".