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A new milestone towards excellence




University of Petra to Open the Faculty of Mass Communication  
The new building of the Faculty of Mass Communication at the University of Petra is now completed.  The University of Petra is the first private university in Jordan who offers such a major. The facilities therein are equipped with highly sophisticated radio and television technology. The establishment of the new faculty now represents a milestone for the University of Petra and journalism and public relations students.
The television and radio studios are the largest and the most sophisticated facilities of their kind in Jordan. This will make the faculty as a pioneer in the field of mass communication.
The faculty’s teaching staff and expertise will enable the students to acquire professional skills at the faculty and embark on industrial training with the leading media and communication enterprises at the local and regional levels. This will represent a further step forward in bridging the gap between academia and industry in one hand, and offers the students the opportunity for hands on experience, on the other. With the free wireless internet and unprecedented spacious round auditorium, the faculty will present an exceptional environment for academic knowledge and practical learning.
To encourage creativity and innovation the Faculty has a Camera Lending Office whereby the students , as individuals and  as teams , are allowed to borrow cameras or any other digital equipment , free of charge , to use them together with other editing ,and montage facilities for their projects , assignments and other graduation projects and initiatives . This makes the Faculty as second best to none, in supporting creativity and initiatives in Jordan. 
 Prof. Tayseer Abu Arja the Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication said : “The new students are welcome to this interactive professional and learning  environment which we hope they will make the most of it”.
Professor Marwan al Muwalla  , President of University of  Petra said : “Well equipped facilities and studio space , in addition to our skilled professors will make the Faculty of  Mass Communication  as one of the best in the region”
Prof. Adnan Badran the Chancellor of the University and the Board of Trustees elaborated: “This new building provides a spectacular home for our outstanding faculty and dedicated students and will help us in attracting the best and brightest new talent of students and scholars”
“In such an enriching environment we will continue to make significant contributions to students and mass communication for years to come.” He added.