University of Petra is located in the western region of Amman and hosts 7000 undergraduate and master's students in the following faculties: Arts and Sciences, Administrative and Financial Sciences, Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Information Technology, Architecture and Design, Law, Mass Communication, Engineering, and Dentistry.
University of Petra serves as a hub for knowledge creation through research, skill development, knowledge application in new technologies, and technology transfer. Consequently, it leverages its organized and modern campus to guide the minds of young men and women towards new dimensions of thought, philosophy, and logic. The university provides an excellent environment for free expression of ideas, dialogue, interactive and integrated learning, as well as research and development facilities. Additionally, it endeavors to develop purposeful communication programs aimed at community development, participating in regional and international practical events, holding meetings with other scholars, publishing research in journals to find solutions to social problems, provide new job opportunities, and eliminate poverty.
To achieve this, University of Petra has fulfilled the requirements for ISO 9001 certification in the field of higher education support services management and obtained quality assurance certification from the Higher Education Accreditation Commission. Moreover, University of Petra ranked first in the QS ranking of private Jordanian universities. It is committed to providing quality educational programs aligned with the latest teaching methods and scientific research, as well as bridging communication and collaboration with the public and private sectors and the Jordanian community in general.
With the development of e-learning facilities, electronic library, and high-speed internet access, University of Petra's campus has become a smart campus where students and faculties utilize knowledge to develop advanced skills aimed at improving entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity.
University Vision:
University of Petra aspires to be the best choice for scholars and learners in Jordan and the region.
University Mission:
Our aim:
To play a vital role in nation-building by creating, disseminating knowledge and technology, preparing graduates capable of positively contributing to their communities.
Our Mission:
To provide a scientific, cultural, and social environment conducive to developing quality learning opportunities, creative thinking, innovation, scientific research, developing the skills of its members, enhancing its role in serving the community, and preparing graduates capable of learning, critical and creative thinking, and competing in the job market.
University Values:
Learning for knowledge's sake.
Equal opportunities in learning and excellence.
Learning: How we learn.
Lifelong learning.
Respect for diversity, plurality, and others' opinions.
Teamwork and collaboration.
Valuing creativity and achievement.
Preserving intellectual freedom.
Commitment to social justice and social responsibility.
Leadership development, accountability, and transparency.
Strategic Plan Pillars:
1- Governance:
Implementing principles of effective management, strategically qualifying university leadership to achieve its vision, mission, and goals.
2- Resources:
Establishing a vibrant scientific environment by providing human, financial, and infrastructural resources for education and learning, and contributing to the production, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge and technology.
3- Campus Life:
Creating a university climate where relationships, security, campus well-being, and responsible freedom contribute positively to building a cooperative and harmonious academic community.
Promoting intellectual activities, creative thinking, freedom of expression, and collective dialogue to establish a rich cultural environment that respects differences and positively contributes to the local community's culture.
Building a cooperative and harmonious academic community characterized by a stimulating environment, encouraging working and learning conditions where employees and students can enjoy their achievements and positively contribute with their full potential.
4- Learning and Teaching:
Managing all educational learning processes and their requirements with diverse programs to prepare academically and professionally qualified graduates capable of competing.
5- Scientific Research and Technology Transfer:
Creating a stimulating scientific environment for the production, transfer, and dissemination of knowledge and technology.
6- Internationalization and External Relations:
Engaging with the outside world through various means such as agreements, student exchange, joint programs and research, international accreditations, and classifications.
7- Sustainable Social Responsibility:
The university's commitment to supporting various dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social, cultural, environmental, and human).
8- Environment and Sustainability:
Sustainability of factors and practices that contribute to long-term improvement of environmental quality.