A. Grading System for the Bachelor Degree Programs:
The university adopts the credit-hour system in teaching. An Academic Year consists of two regular semesters each of 16 weeks and a summer semester of 8 weeks. Learning is by attendance.
The university adopts the point system out of four points. The course grades are recorded in letters according to the scheme of evaluation as shown below:
Symbols |
Points |
A | 4.00 |
A- | 3.67 |
B+ | 3.33 |
B | 3.00 |
B- | 2.67 |
C+ | 2.33 |
C | 2.00 |
C- | 1.67 |
D+ | 1.33 |
D | 1.00 |
D- | 0.67 / Failure
F | 0.00 / Failure
FA | Fail due to Absence |
P | Pass – No points |
NP | Fail – No points |
I | Incomplete |
W | Withdrawal
T | Transfer from Another University |
The lowest grade one can get to pass a course is ‘D’.
The cumulative grade point average is evaluated as follows:
For students who enrolled before the Academic Year 2005/2006 |
For students who enrolled starting from the Academic Year 2005/2006
Academic Standing |
Cumulative GPA |
Academic Standing |
Excellent |
3.67 - 4.00 |
Excellent with Distinction |
3.89 - 4.00 |
Very good |
2.67 - 3.66 |
Excellent |
3.67 - 3.88 |
Good |
2.00 - 2.66 |
Very good |
3.00 - 3.66 |
Satisfactory |
1.67 - 1.99 |
Good |
2.33 - 2.99 |
Weak |
Less than 1.67 |
Satisfactory |
2.00 - 2.32 |
| |
Weak |
Less than 2.00 |
The cumulative average is the average of all the grades of the courses taken by the student in the study plan, to the date of calculating that average, whether the student has passed or failed. When the transcript carries an ‘Incomplete’ ‘I’ in some of the courses, the incomplete courses are not calculated in the average.
When the student has completed the incomplete courses, the average is recalculated. Averages are retroactive from the date the student has received the incomplete grade.
Courses which carry a ‘Withdrawn’ ‘W’ are not calculated for purposes of the cumulative average, or of the credit hours taken by the student.
A student needs to repeat the compulsory course he/she has failed in. As for elective courses, a student can either repeat an elective course or take another elective course according to what is offered in the study plan of that department.
When repeating a course, the higher grade is calculated. All acquired grades are recorded in the student’s transcript; However, in the case of repeating a course, the credit hours are only calculated once.
B. Grading System for the Master Degree Programs:
The passing grade in each Master Program course is (C+). As for the Pre-Master courses, the (Pass/ Fail) note is recorded and the passing grade shall be according to the grading system of the Bachelor Programs.
The minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) required to pass the Master Program is (3.00).
A student may, in order to raise his/her GPA, repeat a maximum of two courses that she/he has studied before and passed them, during his/ her period of study and only the higher grades (in the repeated courses) are counted.
* For students who joined the university before the Academic Year 2013/2014:
*Courses’ grades are designated by letters and the corresponding number of grade points as follows: |
| Points
A |
4.00 |
B+ | 3.50 |
B |
3.00 |
C+ |
2.50 |
C |
2.00 |
D |
1.50 |
D+ |
1.00 |
*The academic standing of the students is determined by the corresponding Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as follows:
Academic Standing |
Cumulative GPA |
Excellent |
3.70 - 4.00 |
Very Good |
3.00 - 3.69 |
Good |
2.50 – 2.99 |
Satisfactory |
2.00 – 2.49 |
Failure |
Under 2.00 |
* For students who joined the university starting from the Academic Year 2013/2014:
*Courses’ grades are designated by letters and the corresponding number of grade points as follows: |
Letter |
Grade Points |
A |
4.00 |
B+ |
3.5 |
B |
3 |
C+ |
2.5 |
C |
2 |
*The academic standing of the students is determined by the corresponding Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as follows: |
Academic Standing |
Grade Point Average (GPA) |
Excellent |
3.70 - 4.00 |
Very Good |
3.33 - 3.69 |
Good |
3.00 – 3.32 |
* For students who joined the university starting from the Academic Year 2017/2018:
*The academic standing of the students is determined by the corresponding Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as follows: |
Symbols |
Points |
A |
4.00 |
B+ |
3.50 |
B |
3.00 |
C+ |
2.50 |
C |
2.00 |
*The academic standing of the students is determined by the corresponding Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as follows:
Academic Standing |
Grade Point Average (GPA) |
Excellent |
3.70 - 4.00 |
Very Good |
3.00 - 3.69 |
Good |
2.50 – 2.99 |
* Starting from the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024:
*Courses’ grades are designated by letters and the corresponding number of grade points as follows: |
| Points
| 4.00 |
| 3.75
B+ | 3.50 |
B | 3.00 |
B- | 2.75 |
C+ | 2.50 |
C | 2.00 |
The grade point average (GPA) is the average of all the grades of the courses taken by the student in the study plan, to the date of calculating that average, whether he/she has passed or failed them. When the transcript carries an ‘Incomplete’ ‘I’ in some of the courses, the incomplete courses are not calculated in the average.
When the student has completed the incomplete courses, the average is recalculated. Averages are retroactive from the date the student has received the incomplete grade.
Courses which carry a ‘Withdrawn’ ‘W’ are not considered when GPA is calculated and not calculated in the total of the completed credit hours.
A student needs to repeat the compulsory courses he/she has failed in. As for elective courses, a student can either repeat an elective course or take another elective course according to what is offered in the study plan of that department.
When repeating a course, the higher grade is calculated. All acquired grades are recorded in the student’s transcript; However, in the case of repeating a course, the credit hours are only calculated once.