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​ ​​​​Conditions for Admission & Required Documents in Bachelor Program

First: Conditions for Admission to Bachelor Programs:

A. Students with General Secondary Education Certificate:

  1. Obtaining the Jordanian General Secondary Education Certificate or its equivalent.​

  2. The student’s high school average must not be less than the minimum required to study major.

B. Students who hold a Diploma certificate and wish to bridge their studies:

  1. Students (inside Jordan) who wish to transfer are accepted, provided they hold a Community College (Comprehensive) Diploma with a GPA of no less than 68% for university colleges, except for the Pharmacy, Architecture, and Civil Engineering majors, which require a GPA of no less than 70%. Equivalency is calculated for 50% of the total credit hours of the curriculum, except for the Pharmacy program, where the percentage is 25% of the curriculum, on the condition that courses in the major with grades below 60% are not considered for equivalency.

  2. Students (outside Jordan) who wish to transfer and hold a Community College Diploma are accepted, provided they provide the university with an official letter from the Ministry of Higher Education of their country, or from the embassy of their country in Jordan, confirming that the diploma qualifies its holder to pursue undergraduate education in their home country, instead of obtaining equivalency for the diploma from the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education. Equivalency is based on 50% of the total credit hours of the curriculum, except for the Pharmacy program, where the percentage is 25% of the curriculum, on the condition that courses in the major with grades below 60% are not considered for equivalency.​

Second: Documents required for Bachelor programs:

A. Students with General Secondary Education Certificate:

  1. Transcript of the Jordanian General Secondary Education Certificate or its equivalent, certified as per the original (Arabic, English).​

  2. Equivalent of the General Secondary Education Certificate for foreign degree students or Arab certificates that need an equivalent from the Ministry of Education.

  3. A copy of the Identity document (Identity Card issued by CSPD for Jordanians and Passport for non-Jordanians).

  4. One personal photo.

  5. Military Service Book for Jordanian students​.

  6. Non-Jordanian students must visit their respective country embassies in Jordan to provide the University with an official Non-Contest Letter to study at UOP, as is required by some nationalities.

B. Students with Diploma Degrees:

  1. All documents required by holders of the General Secondary Education Certificate.

  2. A copy of the comprehensive duly certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

  3. Transcript certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

  4. Military Service Book for Jordanian students​.

  5. If the diploma certificate is issued from outside Jordan, the university must be provided with an official letter from the Ministry of Higher Education in the country where the certificate was issued, or from the embassy of that country in Jordan. This letter should confirm that the diploma certificate qualifies its holder to pursue undergraduate education in their home country. Jordanian nationals are exempt from this requirement, as they are required to have their diploma certificate equivalency processed by the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education.​

Conditions for Admission and Required Documents in Master Programs:

First: Conditions for Admission in Master Programs:

  1. The student’s GPA in the Bachelor Degree is not less than 'Good' or its equivalent.

  2. The student must obtain the test certificate for the English language (accompanied by a letter of authenticity), according to the table below:

English Language Examination Grades Required for MA Programs




English Language/ Transla​tion​ 6.5
Arabic Language and Literature 5 59
Journalism & Media 5 59
Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.5 90
Business Administration 5.5 69
Chemistry 5.5​ 69
Interior Design 5 59
5 59
Food and Nutrition 5.5 ​69

Second: Documents Required for MA Program:

  1. A duly certified general secondary education certificate or its equivalent.

  2. A copy of Bachelor Degree and university transcript duly certified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

  3. Equivalency certificate of the Bachelor Degree issued by the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (for graduates whose certificates need to be equalized).

  4. Proof of obtaining the required score in the English Language Examination (Proof of obtaining the required score in the English Language Examination (accompanied by a letter of authenticity)

  5. Letter of Recognition of the University of Petra from non-Jordanian students’ embassies.

  6. Copy of official identity document (Civil Status Card issued for Jordanians and Passport for non-Jordanians).

  7. One personal Photo.​

  8. Military Service Book for Jordanian students.